MANILA, Philippines—When done right and with proper caution, very few things feel better than sex with your partner. With all of the myths and errors surrounding the subject, many couples are hesitant to take a risk, thereby jeopardizing the quality of their sex relationship. Few things feel better than sex with your partner when done correctly and with care.
For one, a lot of individuals are too frightened or nervous to do more risky things with their spouse simply because they don’t know what qualifies as “too much” or “safe enough”.
Are dotted or glow-in-the-dark condoms safe to use? When is it okay to add sex toys and devices into the mix? Will your partner welcome the idea of using a lubricant? These are examples of often-unanswered questions that can lead to more inhibitions, which in turn cause you to play it safe for the sake of, well, being safe.
When it comes to safe sex, there’s no such thing as too safe. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make room for new ideas and experiences that can help invigorate your sex life.
Here are some things you can do to switch it up in bed without crossing any lines:
Image courtesy of PREMIERE Condoms
Begin your list of “yeses”, “noes”, and “maybes”
The first step to spicing things up is to identify the factors that will help pique your partner’s interest. Separately, write down two things: What you want to change and retain about your sex life, and what you’re willing and unwilling to do in bed. Use your respective lists as an opportunity to meet in the middle and decide on items that match up.
Create a joint fantasy with your partner
Build anticipation by creating a sexual fantasy that you and your partner can get on board with. Incorporate details that will serve your needs and wants, but be receptive to their ideas as well. It doesn’t have to be a full-blown scenario; a joint fantasy can start with something as simple as agreeing on where to do it or adding something minute to an otherwise established routine.
Add or remove sensory experiences
Sometimes, merely pleasuring the senses makes all the difference in bed. Other than giving your partner what they want to see and hear, give their sense of touch (fabrics like silk and leather), smell (aromatic scents from candles and oils), and taste (fruit-flavored condoms) a treat as well.
Explore products that can make sex more exciting
Safe sex doesn’t mean you’re limited to what you can do during sex. In fact, there are now contraceptives that can even help heighten the pleasure a couple feels during lovemaking.
PREMIERE Condoms, for one, offer different variants that can certainly elevate the experience. Here are some examples:
An ultra-thin condom for a more sensitive feel.
Condoms with raised pleasure dots that provide an intense experience.
Soft, smooth, and super thin condoms that imitate a bare-skin contact.
Nice & Tight
Lubricated with SENSITIGHTR that helps create a tightening effect on women.
Cruise Control
Condoms with a special additive to help prolong performance.
Glow-in-the-dark condoms to light up your night.
Features a vibrating O-ring for an “earth-shattering” experience.
Cool Watermelon
Condoms that give a fresh watermelon taste
Another possible recommendation is a product like EZ Lubricating Jelly, a water-based, condom-friendly lubricant that provides the feeling of natural lubrication. You can also look up toys, devices, and other intimacy products that will fit in nicely to your joint fantasies.
Whatever you decide to do as a couple, always prioritize safety and pleasure. All it takes is one conversation on how you want things to go from here.