Following raves from his listening party in October, friends, family, and fans of young musician Fern. have long waited to partake on the release of his compendium of new songs via the Loveless EP.

LOVELESS EP is now avaialable on Spotify among all digital music platforms with the added final single “Look In 2 My Eyes” completing his refreshing song list. All of Fern.’s singles since “Only You” have been compiled to create this audio scrapbook of what Fern. went through in the past year.

The LOVELESS EP also highlights the variety of the young artist’s music while reinforcing his own personal style which he dubs as “cool pop.”

Aside from these releases, he also comes out with a music video for one of his singles, “Murakami”, showing him in his raw form. He travels to the beach with his friends, from going around the island in scooters and long boards to chilling on the beach. This somber song will make you feel emotions that you didn’t know you needed. With the lyric video to follow through his journey, the more we want to know what Fern. can do with his music.

Listen to ‘Murakami’ and six other new songs on Spotify:

Follow Fern. on socials:

Facenbook: @fernperiod

Twitter: @ferntan_

Instagram: @ferntan_