Sonic Catharsis: Apebreeder’s Unforgettable ‘Now I Hate Everything’ EP

MANILA, Philippines—In a world saturated with conformity and banality, Apebreeder emerges as a sonic force that vehemently rejects the status quo. Hailing from the cities of Bacolod and Dumaguete, this unapologetic band transforms collective discontent into a potent musical expression.

Comprising BVRAS on drums and backing vocals, Mr. Z on bass, and the enigmatic Egor on guitar and vocals, Apebreeder is set to release their latest EP, “Now I Hate Everything,” on November 30, 2023, available for streaming and purchase on all major digital platforms and Bandcamp.

Image Courtesy of Apebreeder.

This EP serves as a visceral exploration of the repercussions of late industrialization and the accumulated resentment stemming from societal alienation. According to Jared Poblador (Egor), the guitarist and vocalist, “we’re pretty much just pissed about everything and everyone.” The tracks delve into gloom, dread, nostalgia, and fleeting moments of clarity, only to be overshadowed again by bitterness and agitation. Apebreeder draws inspiration from unconventional sources like Ted Kaczynski and Georges Bataille, individuals displaced by technology, industrialization, and even their witch dog, Bonjing. Their hatred and bitterness against the world manifest in every note and lyric.

Image Courtesy of Apebreeder.

Compared to their previous releases, “Now I Hate Everything” boasts an overall gloomier and darker sound. The band intentionally confined themselves to a 12x14ft dilapidated hut in the middle of nowhere to record the tracks on a 10-year-old laptop that often gave up on them. This raw and unfiltered approach allowed their innermost resentment and pent-up rage to surface, creating an unforgettable musical experience.

Apebreeder aims to connect with individuals nostalgic for the ’90s energy and vibe and those yearning for grunge and alt-rock without the clichéd love songs. “Now I Hate Everything” stands as a sonic rebellion against the mundane, with its tracks serving as anthems for the disenchanted.

The album art, created by “(expletive) around with the free version of Canva,” articulates the blackness and coldness of their hearts, perfectly complementing the raw authenticity of their music. Egor expresses gratitude to the “27 people (including their single mothers) who will listen to their EP,” while dismissing the rest with a succinct, “the rest can (expletive) off.”

Apebreeder’s “Now I Hate Everything” transcends being merely an EP; it’s a cathartic journey through the shadows of discontent, an unapologetic expression of raw emotion. Don’t miss the release on November 30, 2023, and follow Apebreeder on their social media platforms for an authentic and unforgettable musical experience.