Fake news, fake fashion, fake fitness. In this day and age when what is fake is what most people know to be true, Jamba Juice keeps it real with its newest offerings, the Tea Smoothies.
Freshly blended upon order, the Tea Smoothies come in two exciting varieties that offer a refreshing and healthy break from all the fake health trends bombarding today’s consumers. Made with real tea, real whole fruits, and real low fat milk, there is no better way to keep it real than to chill out with one—or two!—of these.
The Berry Black Tea is perfect for those looking to have an extra boost of energy without the added sugar. Prepared using all-natural black tea and real whole blueberries, it offers a sip after sip of fruity goodness packed with antioxidants and is an excellent source of Calcium.
The all-new Matchanana, on the other hand, is a delightful twist on the popular matcha tea. Blended together with real banana, this refreshing smoothie is not only belly-filling and loaded with flavor, but is also a good source of Vitamin B6 (not to mention Calcium and Fiber). The Tea Smoothies can be enjoyed in a 16oz cup for only PHP170, 22oz for PHP200, and 30oz for PHP250.
As an added treat, Jamba Juice also introduces three new, all-natural Jamba Gems that are sure to go perfectly well with the Berry Black Tea and Matchanana–or any of your favorite smoothies, really! Choose between Chia Pudding, Coffee Gems, and Coco Gems for only PHP30 (we recommend combining Gems for the full experience).
The Tea Smoothies are available for a limited time only so drink up, keep it real, and enjoy a life #BetterBlended with Jamba Juice. For more information, please see posters or visit facebook.com/jambajuiceph.